The Charactersticof Manegement That Makes It Science and Art

Management as a science art and profession
Direction as a science art and profession

What does management equally a science art and profession mean? There have been many conceptions regarding what category management really falls nether and information technology is quite interesting to note that the trade falls nether more than one. Because there are well tested and experimented principles of public administration, management is regarded past some scholars as a science while some authors describe it as an art because more than practise is required in management and some authors consider that direction is going towards the paths of profession.

We could spend all day arguing where exactly management fits but for the purposes of this article we will look at management as a science, art and profession.

Explaining the nature of management as a science fine art and profession hateful

The procedure of determining whether direction is science, fine art or profession, requires remarkable understanding of the features and meanings of science, art and profession and marry them with management meaning and features. Permit us try and fish out characteristics of the 3 phenomena of involvement;

Direction as a Science

By and large scientific discipline is more than a study but rather a systematic and organised body of knowledge based on logically observed findings, facts and events. In science at that place exists exact principles which can be verified and information technology tin can establish cause and effect relations. What are the principal features of scientific discipline?

1. Principles are based on repeated experiments: Scientists comport out a series of repeated experiments nether unlike conditions and places before developing scientific principles for communication. In the case of our subject matter, managers likewise test and experiment managerial principles under dissimilar weather condition in unlike organizations. This passes experimentation a common feature between management and science.

2. Systematic body of cognition: Organised and systematic study cloth is bachelor and used to acquire knowledge in science. Likewise, in management there is availability of systematic and organised study fabric. Mutual presence of this feature is the first step towards the establishment of management every bit a scientific discipline.

3. Universal Validity:

Scientific principles are by and large agreed upon and after all observations amd experiments, they are applied universally and their validity is the same across the lath. Direction principles unlike scientific ones are non universally applicable as they accept to be modified to adjust unlike situations

4. Scientific principles are derived on the basis of logical and scientific observations: Before whatsoever principle or theory is passed, scientists do logical observations. One of the most important aspects of these observations is utmost objectivity because results cannot be half truths. Managers too have the responsibility to detect, but theirs is an ascertainment of human beings and this tin can never be purely logical and objective.

Observation results in management are subjective while in scientific discipline the derived principles are the same wherever you get. So this characteristic of science is excluded in direction.

5. Replication is possible:

It is very possible for ii scientists undertaking the same investigation separately and independently, treating the same data (under the same conditions) to obtain an identical issue. Whereas managers have to conduct research or experiments on man beings. And so if' two managers are investigating same data, on dissimilar sets of human being beings they will not get identical or same result considering human beings never respond in exactly identical style.

Management equally an Fine art

Fine art is a very interesting bailiwick as it has been given quite a number of definitions since time immemorial. Information technology tin be defined every bit systematic body of knowledge which requires skill, inventiveness and practice to get perfection. Some of art's characteristics are very prevalent in direction. What are the main features of art?

1. Personalised application: One tin larn as much theoretical knowledge of art equally they can buy information technology can never suffice the demands of the field. Art is lxxx pct a practical field and every artist must have personal skill and inventiveness to employ that knowledge. "For example, all musicians larn same ragas but they apply these ragas according to their personal skill and creativity which makes them dissimilar."

2. Based on Practice and creativity: Regular practice is the all-time recipe for an creative person to become finer or even reach perfection. Creative practice means an artist must add his inventiveness to the theoretical knowledge he has learned and this is an essential requirement. Same manner with experience managers besides improves their managerial skills and efficiency.

Managers besides do non go to walk by the applied attribute of their jobs. They acquire same direction theories and principles only their efficiency depends on how well they use these principles under spontaneous situations past applying personal skills and creativity.

3. Existence of theoretical knowledge: Not but does art have various definitions, information technology also comes in different forms and each ane of them in that location is systematic and organized report material available to acquire theoretical knowledge of the fine art. This is a feature that strongly suggests fine art is an fine art because there is systematic and organized trunk of knowledge available which tin help in acquiring managerial studies.

Management as a Profession

Most people neglect do differentiate between a profession and a chore. Ane does not necessarily need specialized skills to qualify for a job. To qualify for a profession requires more. Past definition a profession is an occupation backed by public servants specialized knowledge and training, in which entry is restricted. Permit us explore the characteristics of a profession.

one. Well divers Body of cognition: In every profession there is do of systematic body of noesis which helps the professionals to gain specialised knowledge of that profession. In instance of direction also there is availability of systematic body of noesis.

There are large numbers of books available on management studies. Scholars are studying various business organisation situations and are trying to develop new principles to tackle these situations. So soon this characteristic of profession is nowadays in management too.

two. Restricted Entry: The entry to a profession is restricted through an examination or degree. For example a person tin practice as Doctor merely when he is having MBBS degree.

Whereas there is no legal restriction on appointment of a manager, anyone tin become a manager irrespective of the educational qualification. Simply now many companies adopt to appoint managers only with MBA degree. So presently this feature of profession is not present in direction but very soon it will be included with statutory backing.

3. Presence of professional associations: For all the professions, special associations are established and every professional has to get himself registered with his association before practising that profession. For example, doctors have to get themselves registered with Medical Council of India, lawyers with Bar Council of Bharat etc.

In instance of direction various management associations are fix at national and international levels which accept some membership rules and set of ethical codes, for example, AIMA in New Delhi, National Establish of Personal Management at Calcutta etc., but legally it is not compulsory for managers to go a function of these organizations past registration. So soon this feature of profession is not present in management but very presently information technology will be included and get statutory backing as well.

4. Being of upstanding codes: For every profession there are prepare of ethical codes fixed past professional organizations and are binding on all the professionals of that profession. In case of management there is growing emphasis on ethical behavior of managers. All Republic of india Management Association (AIMA) has devised a code of acquit for Indian managers. Only legally it is not compulsory for all the managers to get registered with AIMA and abide by the ethical codes.

So presently this feature of profession is not present in direction but very soon it volition exist included with statutory backing.

v. Service Motive: The basic motive of every profession is to serve the clients with dedication. Whereas basic purpose of management is accomplishment of management goal, for example for a business organization organisation the goal can be profit maximisation.

But nowadays only profit maximization cannot exist the sole goal of an enterprise. To survive in market for a long period of fourth dimension, a businessman must requite due importance to social objectives along with economical objectives. So presently this feature of profession is not present but very soon it will be included.

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