Bible Question:

If a human believes in Jesus Christ with all his heart but he however fornicates, steals, defrauds people and murders people, will he all the same go to sky considering he believed in Jesus Christ? If a human being does not believe in Jesus Christ and does not fornicates, steals, tells lies and defrauds people volition he go to heaven or will he go to hell?

Bible Reply:

John 3:16 is a promise that says anyone who believes in Jesus Christ will not perish , that is not go to hell, and will have eternal life, that is, will go to sky. Christians refer to someone who truly believes in Christ as being saved or obtaining salvation. The question this article is concerned with is, "Can someone get to sky if he or she continues sinning afterwards believing in Christ?" The question could too exist asked this mode, "Will someone go to heaven if, after some time has elapsed, there is no alter in his or her behavior and they continue sinning as they did before believing in Christ? It is important to understand that a Christian volition nonetheless sin while they live in this life (1 John 1:nine). They will never obtain perfection or live without ever sinning, only they will sin less and less.

Can I Go To Heaven

Definition of Faith

The first question that must be asked is, "What does it mean to believe in Christ?" This is of import since 1 Corinthians fifteen:ii teaches us that in that location are 2 types of belief or organized religion: true organized religion and false faith. In this passage, false faith is referred to as "believed in vain."

. . . by which also you are saved, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless y'all believed in vain. ane Corinthians xv:2 (NASB)

What is vain religion? It refers to any organized religion that falls short of truthful faith. Someone who only believes facts most Christ without repentance and surrendering one's life to Christ has vain faith. Someone who pretends to believe or says, "I believe in Christ" without significant it demonstrates vain faith. Vain organized religion is empty or meaningless "faith."

In sharp contrast, the person who recognizes they are a sinner understands that God says they deserve spiritual expiry or to spend eternity in hell. Notice the post-obit verse refers to spiritual death.

For the wages of sin is death, simply the free souvenir of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 (NASB)

The next verse reveals that those who are saved are rescued from 'the burn" or hell. To exist saved is the result of a person's true religion.

. . . relieve others, snatching them out of the burn down . . . Jude 23 (NASB)

Therefore, someone who understands that they are going to hell, finally understands that only Christ can salvage from hell, and and so responds with humility past 1) repenting of his or her sins, asking God to forgive their sins and three) willingly submits to God displays true religion.

At the moment of true faith, the individual is legally alleged to exist as righteous as God for all time (Romans 5:1). The Holy Spirit places the individual into the body of Christ (i Corinthians 12:13), seals the individual (Ephesians 1:xiii) and begins living inside the individual (Romans viii:nine, 11; Galatians five:25). At this point God beings to transform his or her  life (Philippians i:6; ii:12-13). If someone has false faith, these changes will not happen in their life and it will become obvious the person never truly believed in Christ.

Signs of True Faith

Scripture tells the states that character, attitude and behavioral changes will occur in one who truly believes in Christ. Ane of the major changes that must occur in someone who truly believes is that they volition sin less and less. Notice in the following verse that it says if a person is putting to death the deeds of the body, that person is led by the Spirit. He or she is a son of God – a true believer. That is, it is the Holy Spirit who volition exist changing the person.

. . . for if you are living according to the mankind, you must dice; merely if by the Spirit y'all are putting to death the deeds of the body, you volition live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Romans 8:xiii-14 (NASB)

Therefore, someone who continues sinning every bit they did before "they believed in Christ" or starts sinning more than reveals they never truly believed in Christ.

Every person who thinks they are a Christian and nonetheless has excuses for his or her disobedience needs to read Matthew 7:21-23. In this passage Jesus says that some religious people will not get to heaven.

Not anybody who says to Me, "Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven, merely he who does the will of My Begetter who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that twenty-four hours, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your proper noun, and in Your proper name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?" And so I will declare to them, "I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, You lot WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS." Matthew 7:21-23 (NASB)

On judgment day some religious people will go to hell, because they never truly believed in Christ and their behavior will be the proof.

Therefore, if a man claims that he has believed in Jesus Christ just over a flow of time is all the same committing sexual sins, stealing, defrauding people, etc, has deceived himself and others. The person never truly believed in Christ. He is non going to heaven. A man or adult female's behavior will be the proof he or she truly believed in Christ.

Other signs that a person truly believes in Christ is that he or she will grow in his or her knowledge of the Bible (Hebrews 5:11-15; 1 John 2:14), because they volition want to know the Bible (1 Peter 2:2). The fruit of the Spirit will be growing in their lives. (Galatians 5:22-23).


Jeremiah 17:9 says that our hearts are very deceitful and ill. Nosotros have a hard time understanding ourselves.

The center is more mendacious than all else
And is desperately sick;
Who can empathise it?
Jeremiah 17:ix

Therefore, 1 must exist very honest with oneself about one's sins and eternity. God desires to rescue the states from our sins.  Conservancy from sin and an eternity in sky comes only by placing one's faith in Christ. Information technology is not based on good works. No ane can live such a skilful life that they deserve heaven (Acts four:ten-12; Isaiah 64:6). The prophet Isaiah said all our good deeds are equally filthy rags.  Acts 4:12 tells usa that in that location is salvation in no 1 else just Jesus Christ. Titus three:5 says "He saved usa, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but co-ordinate to His mercy, past the washing of regeneration, and renewing by the Holy Spirit." Titus three:five (NASB)

True religion is all that God requires. Do yous accept truthful faith or vain faith?

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